To comply with EU legislation, we are advising you that this website uses cookies.
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you visit a website.
Cookies enable some parts of websites to function properly.
They can also provide useful information to website owners such as how a visitor uses the website.
The cookies used on this site do not enable us to collect any private or personal information about you, any data collected is anonymous.
This site uses the following cookies:
exp_last_visit / exp_tracker / exp_last_activity
These cookies track a users browsing session.
They note when a visitor last visited or did something on the site.
They keep track of the last few pages visited so that we can redirect you to previous pages.
This site also uses Google Analytics which uses a variety of cookies to collect information (in an anonymous form).
This shows us how many people visited our site, where they came from and what pages they visited.
We may use this information to help improve our website.
We make every effort to protect the privacy of our users and customers. As such we will not ask for any personal details that are not required as part of your transaction. Any personal data collected by us online will be safely and securely stored and not shared with any third party.